>> Note that "-O2" is the highest form of optimization that does not trade
>> off space for speed.  Since Linux is sometimes run on machines with very
>> tight memory/disk constraints, then trading off significant space (>20%)
>> for insignificant speed (<10%) is, IMO, not worth it.  Measuring speed
>> improvement is, unfortunately, much more difficult than measuring program
>> size.
>Does anyone disagree with Brian White ?  If not I'll change the
>guidelines back to recommending -O2.

Brian's right.  Stick with -O2.

Behan Webster

------------------------------ ,-------------------------------------------.
Behan Webster                  | The opinions expressed above are mine and |
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                  | in no way reflect those of BNR or [EMAIL 
(613) 765-5502                 `-------------------------------------------'

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