On Thu, 7 Dec 1995, Ian Jackson wrote: > Michael Alan Dorman writes ("Bug#1984: dpkg won't install cdtool"): > > Try doing a --purge first. I was having a similar problem and that > > solved it. > > I just assumed it was my system, but apparently not. > ??????? I'm very puzzled.
Sorry, looking back over Raul's message, I'm not sure I was seeing the same thing he was. My problem was: I had cdtool-1.0-3 installed. I did a 'dpkg --install cdtool-1.0-4'. Tried to run one of the cdtool programs --- it wasn't there. Reinstalled. Still wasn't there. Grabbed a copy of -3 and installed that. _Still_ wasn't there. I started comparing against the file list --- the /usr/doc/copyright/cdtool file was there. I did a 'dpkg --purge cdtool'. Then ran the installation again. Everything worked. I've not tried to reproduce it. Mike. -- "I'm a dinosaur. Somebody's digging my bones."