Package: dosemu Version: 0.60.3-0 Michael E Deisher writes, replying to a private mail of mine Michael> I hope you don't mind me entering your comments (and my additional Michael> comments) as another debian bug report.
Maybe we should have kept it private for an iteration or two to keep the noise/signal ratio low. Oh well.. Michael> Same here. Quicken is really the only dos app I'm interested in Michael> and it's dead-dog slow under xdos. I haven't tried playing with Michael> the "hogthreshold". That might help, though. Quicken's speed is now _very_ acceptable on the VC after once I chose "rawkeyboard on" for "keyboard" in /etc/dosemu.conf. Still terrible under xdos. Dirk> using dos on the console and with TERM=linux, I have weird problems Dirk> with the keyboard. Cursor keys sometimes work, sometimes they Dirk> don't. Activating numlock helps. This is now settled. Was due to "rawkeyboard off" Michael> Strange. I have not experienced this one. My problems on VCs Michael> are the following: Michael> Michael> o no cursor o when I switch back to a running X session, the X Michael> session dies and xdm starts another, which dies, etc., etc. Hm, fine here with a nonameS3-805 video card. Dirk> #serial { mouse com 1 device /dev/mouse } Dirk> #mouse { logitech internaldriver } Dirk> #serial { com 4 device /dev/modem } Michael> That's strange. James just told me something about needing to Michael> comment these out, too. I didn't realize that it was required to Michael> get xdos to work (I thought he was talking about running on the Michael> VC). On my system xdos works, even when I have a mouse enabled. I don't have to comment them out or in. For xdos, they are irrelevant. For dos under a VC, I need serial { mouse com 1 device /dev/mouse } -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]