CD Rasmussen writes:
  Costa> Elisp folk don't tend to separate the source from the executable the
  Costa> way people do with C programs.  I'm sorry to hear this was done with
  Costa> VM.

I don't want to take them away from anyone, not even from Emacs specialists.
I simply want to have the option of installing them or not. If I want to read
or modify them, I can always grab the source package --- as with any C code.
But .el is source code, and we usually hide that from users that want to run
binaries from in a .deb package. All I propose is to do the same with elisp
code. And that idea seems well represented among debian packages. Here's a
quick poll that shows that vm, the example I cited, is not atypical:

        editors/emacs                   only .elc files
        mail/itimer                     only .elc files
        mail/vm                         only .elc files
        tex/auctex                      mostly .elc plus three .el files,


        net/w3                          el and elc files


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