Control: severity -1 wishlist
Control: retitle -1 provide all mime attachments in get_bug_log

On Fri, 05 Oct 2018, Michael Albinus wrote:
> This bug has been reported to the GNU debbugs server, see
> The get_bug_log operation of the SOAP API truncates some messages. For
> example, look at the 4th message (indexing from 0) in bug 25235. In
> the web interface,
> , one can see
> that the message has 2 parts, but the get_bug_log SOAP operation only
> returns the first part.

That's right; it's currently only returning the body and header of the
mail messages, not the attachments. There probably should be an option
to return all of them, but this particular interface isn't really the
right way to do it.

Don Armstrong            

First you take a drink,
then the drink takes a drink,
then the drink takes you.
 -- F. Scott Fitzgerald

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