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Sean Whitton
Next meeting: 8am UTC Thursday 11th
Sean Whitton
Last CTTE meeting
Craig Small
Re: [RFC] General Resolution to deploy tag2upload
Ansgar 🙀
Next meeting -- today, 8am UTC
Sean Whitton
Meetings Jun,Jul,Aug
Sean Whitton
Bug#1065416: requesting input on recent posts to #1065416
Sean Whitton
Next meeting -- Wednesday 12pm UTC
Sean Whitton
Bug#1069890: Resignation & call for votes to elect the Chair
Sean Whitton
Bug#1065416: [Cross-toolchain-base-devs] Bug#1065416: linux-libc-dev claims to provide linux-libc-dev-ARCH-cross, but it doesn't do that completely
Helmut Grohne
Processed: Re: Bug#1065416: linux-libc-dev claims to provide linux-libc-dev-ARCH-cross, but it doesn't do that completely
Debian Bug Tracking System
Next meeting -- 2nd April, 12pm UTC
Sean Whitton
Processed: closing 1066034
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#1066034: tech-ctte: proposed constitution fix and social contract chg to make documentation accessible to all people
debbug . tech-ctte
Bug#1065810: tech-ctte: Call for votes on TC membership of Craig Small
Sean Whitton
Bug#1065170: tech-ctte: Requesting advice on glib2.0 #1065022, file deletion by postrm during t64 transition
Simon McVittie
Bug#1065170: tech-ctte: Requesting advice on glib2.0 #1065022, file deletion by postrm during t64 transition
Christoph Berg
Bug#1065170: tech-ctte: Requesting advice on glib2.0 #1065022, file deletion by postrm during t64 transition
Simon McVittie
Bug#1065170: tech-ctte: Requesting advice on glib2.0 #1065022, file deletion by postrm during t64 transition
Helmut Grohne
Bug#1065170: tech-ctte: Requesting advice on glib2.0 #1065022, file deletion by postrm during t64 transition
Sam Hartman
Bug#1065170: tech-ctte: Requesting advice on glib2.0 #1065022, file deletion by postrm during t64 transition
Stefano Rivera
Bug#1065170: tech-ctte: Requesting advice on glib2.0 #1065022, file deletion by postrm during t64 transition
Simon McVittie
Bug#1065170: tech-ctte: Requesting advice on glib2.0 #1065022, file deletion by postrm during t64 transition
Simon McVittie
Bug#1065170: tech-ctte: Requesting advice on glib2.0 #1065022, file deletion by postrm during t64 transition
Simon McVittie
Bug#1065170: tech-ctte: Requesting advice on glib2.0 #1065022, file deletion by postrm during t64 transition
Simon McVittie
Bug#1065170: tech-ctte: Requesting advice on glib2.0 #1065022, file deletion by postrm during t64 transition
Matthew Garrett
Bug#1065170: tech-ctte: Requesting advice on glib2.0 #1065022, file deletion by postrm during t64 transition
Sam Hartman
Bug#1065170: tech-ctte: Requesting advice on glib2.0 #1065022, file deletion by postrm during t64 transition
Simon McVittie
Bug#1065170: tech-ctte: Requesting advice on glib2.0 #1065022, file deletion by postrm during t64 transition
Matthew Garrett
Bug#1065170: marked as done (tech-ctte: Requesting advice on glib2.0 #1065022, file deletion by postrm during t64 transition)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Processed: reassign 1064838 to linux
Debian Bug Tracking System
Processed: Re: Bug#1064838: New package names break APT safety features, ability to co-install different ABIs
Debian Bug Tracking System
Next meeting -- 19th February, 12pm UTC
Sean Whitton
Bug#1060700: Requesting advice regarding the impact of problems caused by aliasing on declared Conflicts
Helmut Grohne
Next meeting -- 9th January, 6pm UTC
Sean Whitton
/usr-move: Do we support upgrades without apt?
Helmut Grohne
Next meeting -- 12th December, 6pm UTC
Sean Whitton