> How about this?
>      #!/bin/sh
>      ":" """ "
>      if which python3.11 >/dev/null 2>&1; then
>          exec python3.11 "$0" "$@"
>      else
>          echo "Please install python3.11 to use this tool" >&2
>      fi
>      exit 1
>      """
>      print("hey, I'm running under python3.11")
> Admittedly, the resulting docstring is not super useful, but this can be
> the start of a compromise.

For me, would be great if the issue could be solved so easily.

> In any case, the CTTE's task is to select among available solutions and
> in this case, we have a readily available solution called "status quo"
> and the idea of a solution without working code. That does not make for
> a great choice.

Other solution?: just not release problematic transitory versions.


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