Ole Streicher <oleb...@debian.org> writes:

> On 08.12.2016 09:33, Wouter Verhelst wrote:
>> On Wed, Dec 07, 2016 at 08:59:53AM +0100, Ole Streicher wrote:
>>> But it also gives a wrong sign: Debian Pure Blends are by definition
>>> integral part of Debian itself. But even now, this is hard to understand
>>> for many people -- questions like "what is the difference between Debian
>>> Astro and Debian" are quite common, even in front of a poster describing
>>> exactly that. With having separate official images for all blends,
>>> people would even be more confused. As an example, I would take the
>>> Ubuntu approach of having "Ubuntu", "Kubuntu", "Xubuntu" etc. instead of
>>> installation options -- people usually think that they have to
>>> re-install the system if they want to switch from one flavour to the
>>> other. Having similar experience with Debian would be bad for the
>>> reputation of the Blends, and for Debian in general.
>> I don't agree with this argument.
>> Yes, indeed, in Ubuntu people often don't know that they don't really
>> need a reinstall to go from Kubuntu to Xubuntu (or whatever), but is
>> that really a problem?
> Yes. In the whole 12 years of Ubuntu, they didn't succeed to make clear
> that [KXG]Ubuntu is not different from Ubuntu except for the package
> selection. I don't know how important it is for them to keep the unity
> -- maybe they don't care here much.
> But for Debian Pure Blends, it is important to have it clear that the
> Pure Blends are just plain ("Pure") Debian. We don't just use the Debian
> infrastructure to do something else -- we are an integrated part.

On reflection, I agree wholeheartedly, and probably should not have
revisited the specialised CDs as an idea.  Sorry about that.

It would be depressing if Astrophysicists who used Debian-astro at work
were confused into downloading again because they fancy playing some
games at home, when the only difference between the images would be
about 5 bytes of preseed setting.

That said, it would probably be nice to make it trivially easy to set
downloaded media to default to e.g. debian-astro at the user's
preference, so that someone could do that and hand the result to a
colleague, saying "Just install that".  That's not the same thing as
publishing them like that though.

Cheers, Phil.
|)|  Philip Hands  [+44 (0)20 8530 9560]  HANDS.COM Ltd.
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