Sam Hartman writes ("Bug#841294: Global Ballot Thoughts"):
> Like you I want to see global6 for stretch.
> I'm not sure I want to see it bad enough to override someone.
> I'd rank doing so above FD though but below a pure advice option.

Why are you prepared to override[0]

  Andrew Bailey, Era Eriksson, Markus Grunwald, Thomas Viehweger,
  Hongzheng Wang, Vincent Bernat, Pranith Kumar, Punit Agrawal, Volker
  Mische, Johannes Stezenbach, Wei Liu, Alberto Luaces, Pierre-Elliott
  Becue, Wookey

but not prepared to override

  Ron Lee


Have you been reading debian-project ?  From my point of view[1]
perhaps I should give up on trying to persuade TC members.

After all if the TC does not transfer maintainership in such an
extreme situation as this, my job of perusading DDs to vote to give
responsibility for these decisions to someone else is very easy.


[0] I have listed all the people who explicitly requested a new
version (assuming, I think, that they are Debian users who want to use
global 6), and the people who have done work to prepare new versions,
in chronological order.  I have excluded Shigio Yamaguchi because I
think their primary status is upstream.

[1] My point of view of trying to fix Debian's totally nonfunctional
processes for dealing with unwarranted blocking by maintainers, which
is a drum I have been banging for years and years now.

Ian Jackson <>   These opinions are my own.

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a private address which bypasses my fierce spamfilter.

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