Hi Phil, dear TC,

Le jeudi, 29 septembre 2016, 20.56:17 h CEST Philip Hands a écrit :
> You appear to have #action'ed yourself regarding this (judging from the
> agenda to the meeting just past, that you could not attend) so perhaps
> we can move things along by discussing it on the list (rather than
> simply waiting till next month's meeting).
> Perhaps you could describe a proposed plan of action, or what the rest
> of us might be able to do to help -- or whatever else comes to mind :-)

To provide some context: the rest of my october is split between a week of 
intense work, and two weeks of intense absence, culminating at Stretch's first 
freeze ("transition freeze") early November. I still have some things I want 
to get into Stretch, and catch up since DebConf (regarding src:lsb, in 

Now that we have the DFSG vs Browserification issue on the table, I won't have 
time to work on that at all before November.


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