[FWIW: I am not a Debian Developer.  I am not a Debian Maintainer.  I am
not someone who (currently) uses Debian (tho I subscribe to some of the
mailing lists), nor uses the software being discussed or referred to within
this bug.  I don't have a horse in this race.  I do, however, have Male
Answer Syndrome, and I'm not afraid to use it!]

On Sun, Oct 2, 2016 at 2:50 PM, Tollef Fog Heen <tfh...@err.no> wrote:

> ]] Pirate Praveen
> > Following up on #830978. I would like this to be reopened and request
> > CTTE make a formal vote.
> What is the exact question you're trying to get us to answer?  Are you
> asking us for advice, are you asking us to overrule a developer or
> something else?'

Having reread the bug log for 830978 and I think most if not all of what's
referenced there (tho not any broader discussions in d-devel), I *believe*
what Mr. Praveen (my apologies if I'm referring to hir incorrectly) is
trying to get at is the following:

(1) The current position of the FTP team is that software proposed to be
distributed by Debian which:
(1a) has source code written in Javascript,
(1b) where the Javascript source code as distributed by Debian for the
software would be "browserified",
(1c) where the Javascript source code as released by the original author of
the software is *not* "browserified",
(1d) where there is no tool or set of tools currently packaged within the
Debian "main" archive which is capable of taking the Javascript source code
described by (1c) and transforming it into the form described by (1b),
(1e) is not suitable for distribution by Debian within the main archive,
because such software does not meet the requirements of the DFSG in terms
of source code availability.  However,
(1f) such software might be suitable for distribution in the "non-free"
archive if there is no reason prohibiting it from being distributed in

One such software affected by this is a library package Mr. Praveen was
involved in packaging, libjs-handlebars.  (Its source is
ruby-handlebars-assets, and that source is currently in non-free.)
 Diaspora, which I believe Mr. Praveen was involved in packaging, depends
on libjs-handlebars.

There is apparently the software application "grunt" which is capable of
resolving the point in (1d) in a satisfactory fashion.  (E.g. if grunt
existed in main, (1d) and therefore (1) as a whole would be moot.)
 However, this application is not currently in the Debian main archive, and
presumably there is no hope of getting it into shape to be added to the
main archive in time for the release of Debian "Stretch".

There is also apparently no hope of creating some other software capable of
doing what grunt would do to resolve the point in (1d) in satisfactory
fashion in time for the release of Debian Stretch.

(2) There is other software currently in Debian (presumably in the main
archive), or proposed to be in Debian, which would be affected by the
reasoning in (1).

Bug 814871 refers to libjs-fuzzaldrin-plus, which is depended upon by
gitlab.  Apparently gitlab needs libjs-fuzzaldrin-plus to be in
browserified form and that form cannot yet be created within / by Debian.

Bug 829046 refers to unspecified Javascript libraries which depend on
"grunt" (which itself is not currently in Debian), which are bundled by and
therefore depended upon by pagure (which has an ITP); presumably the
dependency on grunt means that these unspecified Javascript libraries are
used in a browserified form.

Bug 835661 refers again to libjs-handlebars, this time being depended upon
by prometheus.

All these library packages would, per (1), have to be distributed in the
non-free archive.  Presumably at least some of these libraries are
currently being distributed in the main archive.

(3) The current position of the FTP team is that software proposed to be
distributed by Debian which
(3a) depends on software which is not available in the Debian main archive
(3b) cannot itself be distributed in the Debian main archive.  However,
(3c) such software might be suitable for distribution in the "contrib"
archive if the only reason it cannot be distributed in the main archive is
because it depends on software not found in the main archive.

(4) The software depending on the items affected by (1) and (2), e.g.
Diaspora, GitLab, Pagure, and Prometheus, will therefore have to be
distributed in the contrib archive, and moved from the main archive to
contrib if it is currently already in main.

Mr. Praveen further hypothesizes that there will be a number of other
important pieces of software, either already in main or that people would
like to distribute in main, which will have to be moved to contrib and/or
distributed in contrib because they are affected by the same issue: they
depend on other software written in Javascript which is affected by the
issues raised in (1) and (2) and which therefore can only be distributed in
non-free (assuming it is otherwise distributable in the first place).

(5) Mr. Praveen suggests that this will cause many people who want to use
software packaged by Debian for the Debian Stretch release which is
affected under (4) to have to enable the contrib and non-free archives for
this release, which they would otherwise have no desire or need to do.

(6) Mr. Praveen suggests that (5) is likely to be seen as an undesirable
situation by many within the Debian community (Developers, Maintainers, et

(7) Mr. Praveen suggests that one way to prevent (5) and (6) from occurring
is for the TC to overrule the decision in (1), that browserified Javascript
source code does not meet the requirements of the DFSG and that therefore
software whose source code is browserified Javascript source code is not
suitable for release in the Debian main archive, for the duration of Debian

He also suggests that renewed efforts be made to successfully package grunt
in the main archive in time for Stretch+1, so that this variance from the
normal policy of the FTP Team will not be needed for Stretch+1 (because
presumably then all software requiring browserified Javascript source code
can get it through use of grunt).

(8a) Mr. Praveen therefore requests that the TC vote to overrule the
decision in (1).  If the TC chooses to not overrule the decision in (1),
then alternatively
(8b1) Mr. Praveen requests that the TC formally state for the record that
it sustains the decision in (1), and
(8b2) that the TC formally state for the record that it realizes this means
that many people who wish to use software packaged by Debian for the Debian
Stretch release, where the software is affected by point (4), will have to
enable the contrib and non-free archives to do so even tho they might
otherwise have no need to do this (e.g. they have no other software they
want to run which requires software from the contrib and/or non-free

If I have misunderstood in any way Mr. Praveen's position, or if I have
misrepresented in any fashion whatsoever what it is he is trying to
express, then I sincerely apologize for my error.

Otherwise...  I hope this is of some use, interest, in resolving this
issue.  If it is, then I'm glad I could help.  Thanks for your time in
reading this.  Be well, and thanks for all of y'all's efforts in creating


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