]] "Margarita Manterola" 

> 1) The TC volunteers to be the Roadmap team
> 2) The TC volunteers to be part of the regular workflow of the 
>     Roadmap team, as an advisory body.
> 3) The TC shouldn't be part of the regular workflow of the Roadmap team.
>     We will always be available for escalations, as usual.
> 4) Further Discussion.

3 > 2 = 4 > 1

> Additionally, I'd like to ask each TC member to state if they would like 
> to be part of the initial group for the Roadmap team if option 1 doesn't win.

I don't currently have the time and energy for being a member of the
roadmap team, so I'll let other people take that and run with it.

Tollef Fog Heen
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are

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