package: tech-ctte Background: Javascript on the server (with nodejs) uses modules to split libraries, but using the same on browser requires combining these modules to single file.
DFSG Section 2 [1] gives requirement for source code "Source Code The program must include source code, and must allow distribution in source code as well as compiled form." Browserified files are readable and editable javascript files. I believe this meets DFSG 2 requirements. Someone who is familiar with javascript can easily modify and run modified versions. Some believe this is not enough and the tool required to browserify should be in debian so we can integrate patches from upstream and also send patches upstream (they expect patches against original split module instead of the browserified file). [2][3][4]. The tool required for browserifying is grunt and it has long chain of dependencies and has not been packaged yet.[5] Those who care about the issue should help package grunt instead of using DFSG as a way of blocking perfectly Free Software (with ability to use, modify, share and distribute changes), albeit with some extra effort to port patches. I agree with the concern, but not with the severity. I think the severity should be 'important', instead of 'serious'. I consider the situation as simliar to maintaining an older release or forking (wodim for example) or a hostile upstream that does not want their software packaged at all (like diaspora). In all those cases upstream will not accept a patch against the version shipped in debian and will need extra work to adapt the patches to latest vcs tree. I don't think preferred format of upstream to accept patches should not be a criteria to keep a package away from main. I request CTTE to make a ruling on this issue. Thanks Praveen [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
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