>>>>> "Philipp" == Philipp Kern <pk...@debian.org> writes:

    Philipp> Given that you deliberate in private, I hope that this time
    Philipp> you will go and present your pick without a vote. Your mail
    Philipp> does not mention this, but it does burn people to be either
    Philipp> ranked (and still be picked) or be downvoted. This would
    Philipp> make sense if you would not debate people privately
    Philipp> beforehand because then the whole process would be
    Philipp> public. But as it is not, it is an conflict to be easily
    Philipp> avoided.

I apologize for forgetting about that particular vote; that was well
before my time and I had forgotten that the TC had done that.  I have no
idea what happened internally.


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