Your message dated Sat, 04 Jun 2016 11:03:50 +0200
with message-id <>
and subject line Re: Bug#766708: Coordinating a plan and requirements for cross
toolchain packages in Debian
has caused the Debian Bug report #766708,
regarding Coordinate plan and requirements for cross toolchain packages in
to be marked as done.
This means that you claim that the problem has been dealt with.
If this is not the case it is now your responsibility to reopen the
Bug report if necessary, and/or fix the problem forthwith.
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Contact with problems
--- Begin Message ---
Package: tech-ctte
Recently some crippled cross toolchain packages were uploaded to
Debian unstable, without having any consent with the Debian GCC
maintainers, nor announcing these packages anywhere. Maintained by a
single person, not even trying to form a maintainer group, and
downgrading bug reports without addressing concerns of the GCC
maintainers. I'm asking the ctte to state that
- a cross compiler based on GCC within Debian is able to cross
build the existing gcc-x.y packages without disabling any
features that are offered by the packaging, and used for the
native compilers. This includes frontends and multilib'ed
runtime libraries.
- a cross compiler based on GCC within Debian provides all the
front ends required to cross-build GCC.
- a cross compiler based on GCC within Debian uses the very
same sources, patches and configuration, so that it is
equivalent to the native compiler provided by the Debian
GCC maintainers.
The current maintainer of the cross compiler packages has shown that
he is not able to work together on these issues in a group. I'm asking
the ctte that anybody who is able and willing to maintain the cross
compiler packages as outlined above, becomes the new maintainer of the
cross compiler packages targeting Debian architectures. It would be
good if the GCC maintainer group is involved in this group.
--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
As agreed at the most recent meeting of the Technical Committee, this
bug is being closed.
It has not been resolved, as such, but parts of it have been rendered
moot by the release of Jessie, and other parts have been rendered less
relevant by the passage of time.
This is not a particularly satisfying outcome, but at least it clears
the way for bugs in related areas, which people might otherwise hesitate
to submit as long as this bug remains open.
Please be assured, the members of the Technical Committee are still very
much interested in assisting in whatever way we can with progress in
this area (either as individuals or as a group, in either informal
mediation or via bugs submitted to the committee).
We also intend to learn the lessons of this bug:
Some issues clearly have an expiry date, and in such cases any
decision is generally better than none.
In order to make such quick decisions possible, we intend to
encourage good behaviour by giving the most sympathetic hearing to
those participants that provide clear justifications of their position
and respond to questions in a timely manner.
Philip Hands
(on behalf of the Technical Committee)
Description: PGP signature
--- End Message ---