The current agenda for this Wednesday's CTTE Meeting in #debian-ctte on is below; feel free to update the agenda.


#topic Who is here?

#topic Next Meeting?

  1. Current winners
     Option I "Wednesday 19:00 UTC (Decemeber 30th)"
     Option L "Thursday 17:00 UTC (Decemeber 31st)"
     Option M "Thursday 18:00 UTC (Decemeber 31st)"

#topic #741573 Menu systems - Debian Policy followup

   1. Process is deadlocked; further actions

#topic #771070 Coordinate plan and requirements for cross toolchain packages in 

   1. Lost in translation ?

#topic #802159 New OpenSSL upstream version

#topic #636783 Constitution: super-majority bug & #795854 Constitutional 
Amendment: Fix duplicate section numbering (A1)

   1. GR is ongoing, please second
   2. Original option is not (yet) on the ballot, feel free to reintroduce

#topic #797533 New CTTE members

#topic #795855 Formal cloture vote

#topic Additional Business


Don Armstrong            

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