>>>>> "Wookey" == Wookey <woo...@wookware.org> writes:
Wookey> +++ Steve Langasek [2015-09-09 12:17 -0700]: >> On Wed, Sep 09, 2015 at 05:30:03PM +0100, Wookey wrote: >> >> > So what I learned from this is that, as currently operating, >> the > committee is incapable of making quick 'overrule >> unreasonableness' > decisions. My overriding impression was that >> those involved simply did > not have the time available that >> would be be needed to enable that. >> >> No, what you see here is that the TC did not agree with you that >> the maintainer's action was unambiguously unreasonable under the >> circumstances. Wookey> Well, maybe. Maybe there were discussions to that effect I Wookey> didn't see. In that case fair enough. The impression given Wookey> was of a somewhat slow process and members not having time Wookey> to review the situation, so preferring to punt, and not Wookey> distinguishing between the immediate issue for jessie and Wookey> the general issue for stretch onwards. For what it's worth, I'd like to gain confidence that we could act quickly with a complex technical issue like this one if we chose to. I'd like to afirm my confidence that if something like this came up where we had little time, we'd do the work necessary to evaluate whether we needed to act quickly. I was an outsider at that time, and from that outsider's standpoint, I could not see the TC making the evaluation about whether quick action was required. I'm not saying it didn't happen, just I didn't see it. As a TC member now, I'd like to better understand how we'd do that. In terms of qualifications for new members, I'd like to see whether we want to be able to act quickly in situations like this when required, and if so, whether that impacts who we are looking for. --Sam