Dear fellow TC members, In the mood of tackling more of our old TC issues, I went ahead and reviewed all threads in the bugreport. I've then opened new independent bugs for all relevant issues, and commented the others below. For all problems for which I haven't opened a bug, I would strongly suggest to whomever would like to dicuss it to open a new bug as well.
Here you go: - #636783 proposed constitution fix for super-majority within the tech ctte - #795854 Fix duplicate numbering (A1) - #795855 Introduction of formal cloture vote for the TC - #795857 TC chair appointment - #795859 Permit TC to hold informal private conversations = Other problems mentioned - Advice to the TC on overruling maintainers This idea was introduced, then droppped by Ian, and I don't see anyone driving this. - Possibly increasing the maximum size of the committee This was discussed in the TC term-limiting GR, and I think we should consider this closed. - TC casting vote Ian proposed to defer the TC chairman casting vote to the DPL, but this didn't gather much support (if at all). I don't see anyone driving this. Cheers, OdyX P.S. I must say that trying to untangle the 8 issues discussed in this bug's threads has been a very painful process, and this was caused by various people adding more and more "constitution problems to be fixed" in the very same bug thread. Please open new bug reports when there's a new problem to fix; bug clones are cheap!
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