Hi Boyuan,
Thanks for your reply, they are very helpful!
On 2024-04-14 17:57, Boyuan Yang wrote:
The first thing to do is to find out the motion behind your
For Debian Policy, no official translation exist other than the
version [1]. This is partly because that Debian Policy is only intended
to be read by people who work closely in Debian, and those people will
often choose to read the official English Policy text instead of any
I was asked to review the policy text because there is already an
existing draft, but the translator is non-responsive.
I thought it would be helpful to those who are new to the project who
might like to read both the English text and the Mandarin side by side.
The kind of writing in policy is close to analytic philosophy writing,
so I think if anyone were to do it, I could do a good job.
Also, no one is assigned to review your work on Debian Policy since no
one is working on such Simplified Chinese translation. You may want to
send another email here after your translation is partly done to
comments from the audience, but no one is obliged to do a formal review
on the translated texts.
Great! Will do.
If you intention is not about translating Debian Policy but solely to
contribute to some translation work in Debian, there are many more
translation tasks that translates user-facing Debian texts, and they
needs more help other than Debian Policy. Examples are the debian-
handbook [5], Debian Installer [6], Debexpo [7], Debian website [8],
Debian package description [9] and so on. You may not even focus on
Debian itself; any software provided by Debian (such as GNOME, KDE,
Cinnamon, etc.) will need help on translation, and translation in those
upstream project will eventually be incorporated into Debian when an
upstream. See [10].
Thank you for these links. I'll come back to them once I'm done with