我把 ekho 上载到 Debian Mentors,已经发了 RFS,Bug#1019933。 希望有一个 Debian 开发者愿意帮我 sponsor。

From: Feng Zichen <nbvcxzm1...@outlook.com>
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2022 10:06 PM
To: Chin Ah Toh <toh...@outlook.com>; debian-chinese-gb@lists.debian.org 
Subject: Re: ekho - Chinese text to speech software


获取 Outlook for iOS<https://aka.ms/o0ukef>
发件人: Chin Ah Toh <toh...@outlook.com>
发送时间: Thursday, September 15, 2022 11:36:07 PM
收件人: debian-chinese-gb@lists.debian.org <debian-chinese-gb@lists.debian.org>
主题: ekho - Chinese text to speech software


我把 ekho 打包好了,还没发给 mentors.

Ekho is a text to speech program for Chinese characters with multiple dialect 

你们觉得我应该在 Chinese Team 下维护这款软件包吗?

Jack Toh (陶振雅)
