Hello everyone, We just started Debian Deepin Packaging Team ("pkg-deepin") inside Debian. This packaging team aims at putting various Deepin software into upstream Debian as well as various QA works to improve their packaging/software quality in order to make packages conformant to Debian's requirements.
Anyone interested in this task is highly welcomed to join the team. If you want to join us, please submit your request at [1]. To all (current) team members: thank you for your interest in joint work between Deepin and Debian. Please subscribe to pkg-deepin-devel maillist [2] for future coordination. There is an extra Telegram [5] group for IM and work coordination. If you wish to join the group, please find me ("@hosiet") or @felixonmars on Telegram. Current related working packages: * dtksettings (uploaded, NEW) * dtkcore (RFS filed, working) * dtkwidget (ITP filed, working) * gsettings-qt (RFS filed, working) * deepin-gettext-tools (ITP filed, ready for upload) * deepin-tool-kit (ITP filed, working) * deepin-menu (wishlist) * deepin-terminal (wishlist) * deepin-go-lib (wishlist, blocked by various golang libs) Packaging repository will be managed by Git with DEP-14 [3] as reference standard. To create a new packaging repository, please use the script "setup- repository" under moszumanska.debian.org:/git/pkg-deepin/ with similar usage as the one for collab-maint project. [4] explained its usage. Please read the script if in doubt. You might be aware that Alioth's core infrastructure (FusionForge) is going to be replaced. That essentially means all links might become unavailable within one year. We are still coordinating our work with current setup for now and we will release more information on debian-chinese-gb maillist in the future in case team's homepage/maillist get changed. [1] https://alioth.debian.org/projects/pkg-deepin/ [2] https://lists.alioth.debian.org/mailman/listinfo/pkg-deepin-devel [3] http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep14/ [4] https://wiki.debian.org/Alioth/Git#Creating_a_repository [5] https://telegram.org/ Regards, Boyuan Yang