
On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 11:51 PM, David Xie <david.script...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi 各位,
> 我的sublime text 2坏了,你们看截图。。。
> 这是什么原因啊,是不是显卡驱动坏了呢?我的是ATI的HD6750,装的xf86-video-radeon
> 如果不是这个原因,有别的原因吗?
> --
> ----
> Best Regards,
> David Xie
> Founder of ScriptFan technology community - http://scriptfan.com
> Manager of Xi'an GDG (Google Developer Group)
> http://about.me/davidx
> -----------------
> Everything happens for a reason. Attitude determines everything!

Best Regards,
David Xie
Founder of ScriptFan technology community - http://scriptfan.com
Manager of Xi'an GDG (Google Developer Group)

Everything happens for a reason. Attitude determines everything!

<<attachment: Screenshot_SLT.png>>
