enzo fang <feixiangnia...@gmail.com> writes: > -Q启动的话,我自己的配置文件也不会读取了。 > 我自己配置是这样的,比如c-mode时候,只加载 > 和c有关的文件,python-mode时只加载python相关 > 文件,/etc/emacs/site-start.d这个文件夹下的东西 > 是启动emacs时一股脑全部加载,速度很慢。 >
不需要的文件就直接删掉。 Emacs Wiki 里面也提到这个问题: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/EmacsForDebian#toc4 =---- Avoiding Issues with Site Wide Init Files: The init files of the External packages should not, by default (or through an option), be loaded at startup, unless the user (or the administrator) declares (require ‘external-packages-inits) or requires packages or their init files individually. Most debian packages that contain add on el files that would be installed site wide actually already do this. If a specific package installs itself site wide, and you later decide that this is not what you want, you can always remove the offending file from /etc/emacs/site-start.d/ This change is sancrosant, and a Debian package will not later reinstall this file. (If it does, please file an RC bug using reportbug with Severity: serious) =---- 还有一个方法就是自己直接从 CVS 下载编译安装,不使用 Debian 修改过的版本。 -- jungle