"Christian Leng" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> 或者直接dpkg-reconfigure,回答一下问题就行了

如 minghua 所说,这个问题从 xorg 7.3+8 以来去掉了,见 changelog :

xorg  (1:7.3+8) unstable; urgency=low 
   * Don't bother with resolutions in xorg.conf
     We now rely on the server and drivers to do the right thing. Previously,
     our best-case scenario was to have the xserver-xorg postinstall script ask
     the monitor what the optimal values were, and if that wasn't possible to
     give the user a default list of resolutions and a best-guess hsync and
     vrefresh values that the user could override. The server and almost all
     drivers will do this on boot anyway using properly maintained code, which
     allows them to better adapt to changes. randr 1.2-compliant drivers will
     do this even better than we possibly could. Finally, the server will
     provide a better list of defaults than we were doing anyway. There will
     undoubtedly be bugs uncovered by this change, but we need  to find and fix
     the actual bugs in the drivers and server in order to move forward.
