Put it on debian's server is not for commercial purpose. the point we violate suzhe's copying is change scim-chinese from rpm format to deb format. so if suzhe permits we change its format to deb, it's legal to do it. I hope this...

Ming Hua wrote:
On Tue, Mar 02, 2004 at 09:28:53AM +0800, Kyle Zu wrote:
  To Ming, suzhe owns the copyright of scim-chinese.

Thanks for your concern.  I am well aware that SU Zhe is the copyright
holder, and I need a license to redistribute scim-chinese (and for that
matter, I need license to redistribute scim and scim-tables as well).

The following is from the scim-chinese package distributed by the author
and copyright holder SU Zhe (copied from scim-chinese 0.2.7 RPM, file

--- 8< ---
                           COPYRIGHT ANNOUNCEMENT
   This software is written by James Su <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.  Without
written permission from James Su, any individual or organization should
1. Modify this Software or change this Software to any other formats;
2. Redistribute this Software in any commercial purpose.
3. Develop any derivative software from this Software;
4. Modify or remove any proprietary notices or labels on this Software;
5. Separate this COPYRIGHT ANNOUNCEMENT from this Software.
While you may:
1. Use this Software freely;
2. Redistribute this Software for testing and education purpose;
                   Copyright (C) 2002 James Su <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
--- >8 ---

I think if I redistribute scim-chinese for Debian users, it qualifies for
testing purpose.

P.S.: I suggest you send plain text Emails instead of HTML ones, at
least to me.  You mail seems to be labeled as spam, I only received it
through the list, Thanks.


Wireless telegraph is not difficult to understand.  The ordinary telegraph
is like a very long cat.  You pull the tail in New York, and it meows in
Los Angeles.  The wireless is the same, only without the cat.
                                                       --- Albert Einstein

