Anthony Fok wrote:
鉴于近年来 Debian Chinese mailing lists 上有不少垃圾信,情况未有
改善的迹像,而也有多位过往的 debian-chinese-* 因受不住太多垃圾信
因此,我想建议把 debian-chinese-* mailing lists 改为 "only subscribers
can post messages",而 non-subscribers 发送的信,则会先经由「版主」
处理。大家意见如何? :-)
----- Forwarded message from Jaakko Niemi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----
Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2002 05:21:00 -0500
From: Jaakko Niemi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Could we make debian-chinese-* a subscribers-only list?
To: Anthony Fok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
On Wed, 10 Jul 2002, Anthony Fok wrote:
I was wondering if we could make debian-chinese-big5 and
debian-chinese-gb subscribers-only lists? There are way too many spam
messages on those lists, and spamassassin isn't effective against the
Chinese and Korean spams we regularly receive on the list.
If possible, it would be marvellous to implement the subscribers-only
option, and for non-subscribers postings, you may send them to me (and
perhaps to other Chinese Debian developers) for approval.
Please let me know what you think. :-)
This is possible, however the list software makes moderation almost
unusable currently.
However general plan is to require one time confirmation for each
non-subscriber who posts to our lists. This will be implemented after
the listserver is upgraded to woody.
Making a list restricted is possible, but requires consensus from
the subscribers of that list. In that case discuss the issue on
list, and file wishlist item against when the
matter is clear.
sure,so many many ad letters,it's really ugly!