很久没有email你,这是我的 resume, http://alex.dpcgroup.com/~alex/resume.html 不用担心,并不是找工作,只是给你看看,看我能帮什么忙,很久没有写中文文章 (8 years) 我和我的朋友有登文章于 LinuxJournal 的经验(not in chinese [:)] ).但我 100%支持Linux 杂志的idea. 我知出版杂志十分花金钱,如需国外(美国) sponser, 我可出一点力 ( some experience )
let me know what you think about this. My chinese typing is very out of pratice [:)] very slow. Alex -- | This message was re-posted from debian-chinese-big5@lists.debian.org | and converted from big5 to gb2312 by an automatic gateway.