
when comparing 12.0.0 with 11.5.0 i see three file trees which have grown

du of mounted debian-11.5.0-amd64-netinst.iso :
  5       /firmware
  126611  /install.amd
  308479  /pool

du of mounted debian-12.0.0-amd64-netinst.iso :
  221108  /firmware
  156509  /install.amd
  589416  /pool

In pool of 12.0.0 i see another firmware tree
  220570  /pool/non-free-firmware
but this does not cost much media capacity, because the file content is
shared with the files in the /firmware tree:

  $ xorriso -indev debian-12.0.0-amd64-netinst.iso \
            -find / -sort_lba -exec report_lba --
  Report layout: xt , Startlba ,   Blocks , Filesize , ISO image path
  File data lba:  0 ,    18420 ,     8217 , 16827872 , 
  File data lba:  0 ,    18420 ,     8217 , 16827872 , 

Such deduplication of hard links also happens with initrd.gz and vmlinuz
files in /install.amd. The real storage sizes as measured in above -find
output are:
                   11.5.0       12.0.0      Growth
  /firmware         0 MiB      216 MiB     216 MiB
  /install.amd     67 MiB      138 MiB      71 MiB
  /pool           301 MiB      360 MiB      59 MiB

To fit on a regular "700 MB" (~ 702 MiB) CD-R/CD-RW these would have to
shrink by at least 36 MiB.

Have a nice day :)


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