Hi Roland,

Roland Clobus <rclo...@rclobus.nl> (2023-04-10):
> It turns out that the package 'live-installer' (which is a udeb-only
> package) in Bookworm still is at version 57 [2], while the fix was
> released at version 58.
> Could the package be unblocked? (And/Or will there be an installer
> RC2?)

(Yes to RC2, maybe even RC3.)

> The new version of live-installer is working correctly, as can be seen
> by a sid build of the live image on openQA [4].

I asked Jonathan on IRC while preparing RC1 (slightly edited):

    [ kibi] highvoltage: I don't think you answered my live-installer question?
    [ highvoltage] kibi: I didn't think it warranted an unblock
    [ highvoltage] kibi: but if it did for roland's changes then he could file 
    [ kibi] highvoltage: ok, ta

Besides the obviously missing `dch -r` call (“Mon, 15 Apr 2019” was
quite surprising for something uploaded in March 2023), there are lots
of changes that are nowhere suitable at this stage of the release

That plus Jonathan's answer triggered my deciding against unblocking the
package on my own (with my d-i release manager hat). That being said, if
the release team is willing to unblock the package as is, that'd be fine
with me. I suppose it'll be suggested to cherry-pick the desired
change(s) and to upload 57+deb12u1 via tpu, or to back out the undesired
changes and proceed with 59 via unstable. (Both are fine from a d-i
point of view, as long as the package reaches testing in the end.)

Cyril Brulebois (k...@debian.org)            <https://debamax.com/>
D-I release manager -- Release team member -- Freelance Consultant

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