On Sun, Mar 06, 2022 at 09:51:57PM +0000, Adam Barratt wrote:
>As you may have noticed, we're a bit overdue now for both 11.3 and the
>penultimate buster point release, 10.12.
>Some potential dates:
>- March 19th (means freezing next weekend, so not ideal)
>- March 26th
>- April 2nd
>- April 9th

The 19th is awkward for me (and Andy S!) - prior commitments. The
others look OK for me.

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                st...@einval.com
  Armed with "Valor": "Centurion" represents quality of Discipline,
  Honor, Integrity and Loyalty. Now you don't have to be a Caesar to
  concord the digital world while feeling safe and proud.

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