On Tue, Aug 17, 2021 at 10:21:18PM +0530, Pirate Praveen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> At https://www.debian.org/CD/faq/#write-usb I think Balena Etcher
[1] should
>> be recommended either replacing win32diskmanager or in addition to
it. This
>> is very easy to use and also works on Mac OS.
>> [1] https://www.balena.io/etcher/
>> Thanks
>> Praveen
>> Note: please cc me on replies
> No - under no circumstances, in my opinion. It doesn't add very much
> to
> what we have.
> It is not stable software. It's distributed as a flatpak so anybody
> who
> really wants it can install it. It's an Electron app which means that
> it's
> huge and has interesting security problems.
Does Balena Etcher has security problems or in general, electron apps
have security problems?
> It works relatively well for SD cards: I am not yet convinced that it
> works as well for USB sticks.
Balena Etcher works well for me in Debian. I downloaded an appimage from
their website and I flash my USB drives using Balena Etcher. It is very
easy to use as well. Therefore, I think that Balena Etcher should be
PS: Please CC me (ravi at ravidwivedi.in) in your replies as I am not in
the mailing list.
(This is a reply to
Ravi Dwivedi
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