Thank you for this. I passed the message on to the guy.

Steve McIntyre <> writes:

> Hi Sandra,
> On Sun, Feb 07, 2021 at 01:06:25PM +0100, Sandra Snan wrote:
>>> From irc://  Mister00X: Where can I file a bug
>>against the download site for the unofficial live images?
>>Mister00X: Or to be more precise, If the sha*sum files for the bittorrent
>>download are missing the hashes for the .iso files and only contain the
>>.torrent one who do I need to inform about that?
>>sandra: Torrent files, in turn, contain hashes
>>Mister00X: I know but the 10.7.0 versions contained both.
>>only contains the hashes for the .torrents
> Thanks for the report. I've recently refactored the code for our
> builds, and it looks like this is a bug from that. I'll get this fixed
> shortly.
> -- 
> Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                      
> "This dress doesn't reverse." -- Alden Spiess

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