On Sun, 2021-01-10 at 14:37 +0100, The7up wrote:
> Hi!
> It looks like isorecorder not available since a while ago. May I remove it 
> from the list in w.d.o/faq/CD index page?
> At the same time, rufus (https://rufus.ie/) should be mentioned as a great 
> app on Windows to make bootable usb stick from iso (GNU licensing, source 
> code available on GitLab).
> Please cc me on the answer, I'm not a member of this list, but you can find 
> me on debian-www.
> Zibi

If you want to recommend rufus, please do so ONLY with a prominent, 
un-ignoreable warning explaining that the user MUST select rufus'
"DD mode" at the prompt immediately before writing the media.
If you allow rufus to write in its default "ISO mode", it will replace parts of
the debian image with its own recipe of loaders and configurations.

I have seen many, many visitors to #debian with hard-to-diagnose installation
problems which disappear after we finally discover their image was written in
rufus "ISO mode"  and counsel them to re-do it in "DD mode".

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