On Thu, Nov 05, 2020 at 05:10:16PM -0500, slow_sp...@att.net wrote:
> Dear Steve, et al.
> Thanks for your efforts on trying to bundle non-free with a simple net
> install media.
> I tried it on an HP Pavilion G6 that had Windows 8.1.  Freed up some space
> and gave it a go.
> Everything seems to finish correctly, but upon restart there is no boot to
> grub, no Ethernet network connection and no video.
Which install option did you use? : it is worth trying the advanced option as a 
text install - this will ask you more questions and, if there are problems with
the graphics installation, will allow you to troubleshoot.

> If I press F9 during boot, I can see the Debian option and that takes me to
> grub.

Does the system have secure boot turned on? How was Windows 8.1 installed 
- UEFI or legacy BIOS?

> However, when selecting the first option, I see things trying to load, and
> then get to a blank screen and blinking cursor.
Are there any logs being written anywhere in /var/log?

> Upon trying it again, I choose the advanced options which will boot to a
> terminal prompt, but there is no network connection available.   (connect:
> Network is unreachable)
> It seems that the installer should look to identify the existing hardware
> and let the user confirm the choices and match up non-free drivers that way.
> Thought you'd like to know.
> Regards,
> Michael

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