retitle 969224 Archive main/installer-*/current/ has outdated kernels?
severity 969224 normal


So the real problem is that the archive seems outdated w.r.t. DVD images. The DVD images themselves are consistent (since you report they work fine).

I'm doing customized usb sticks regularly, e.g. putting i386 and amd64 installer DVD iso's plus several Live systems onto one big usb stick, with bootloader options to choose between them.

So I've bumped into this exact issue before, and I learned to always get everything from the same source. Specifically, get kernel and initrd directly from the .iso file that you use, by mounting it (-o loop), or extract them using isoinfo command (hint: -R option), or probably 7z will work too. While you're there, also study what the "official" bootloader is passing to the kernel commandline, and do something similar in your own bootloader config.

Best regards,
Anne Bezemer

On Sun, 30 Aug 2020,   wrote:


I think the problem is that the kernel versions for DVD and
installer-amd64/current/images/hd-media/ or
ÿÿ initrd.gz
for Debian 10.4 and Debian 10.5
don't match.

for Debian 10.5
4.19.0-10 - the kernel versions for DVD
4.19.0-5  - the kernel versions for
or (for GTK)

ÿÿÿÿÿÿ Debian 10.4
4.19.0-9 - the kernel versions for ÿÿ DVD
4.19.0-5 - the kernel versions for
or (for GTK)

ÿÿÿÿÿÿ Debian 10.3
4.19.0-8 - the kernel versions for ÿÿ DVD
4.19.0-8 - the kernel versions for
or (for GTK)

For Debian 10.3 everything was established without problems.

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