Thank you Thomas. Yes, that's obviously why it was done.So - a quick look
on Wikipedia suggests that this was a current machine in 2006 and was
replaced in 2007 / 2008. So - if anyone has one running anywhere, it's
somewhere between 12-15 years old. If anybody knows of any that they really
must keep running, speak now or forever hold your peace. It's probably time
for this to be dropped for Bullseye.

Separately, we also had a quick think about the numbers of iso images in
general. A suggestion: For the future, we should produce physical media for
the netinst.iso, the first DVD image in any set and one larger image to be
written to a USB stick if wanted - and corresponding source for each size.
All other .iso files to be distributed as .jigdo and .template files.In
most instances, the netinst is enough, if you have network connectivity and
bandwidth. The DVD is enough to install the basis of any of the graphical
environments readily. This does not mean that you couldn't produce every
other image - but very few people are on a desert island and need every
piece of software Debian has produced on physical media.  Producing every
disk in every size would still be possble but using jigdo as an
intermediate step. This would also mean dropping the single CD image that
installs the XFCE graphical environment but that's one tasksel selection
away anyway. This would ease the pressure on mirrors and the main server and make the task of testing significantly

New users find it difficult to work out why there should be so many DVDs
and whether they need to download them all even though only one is
bootable. Anything we can do to make our collective lives easier is a
bonus, given the size of the team. Thoughts?

On Sat, Jul 18, 2020 at 5:55 PM Thomas Schmitt <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Andrew Cater wrote:
> > [...] here are
> > a couple of architectures that are built but not tested because the
> testers
> > have no hardware.
> > One set  is an old Mac on Intel media,
> Do you mean these ?
> They are related to
> and following sections.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> If it is not about above "mac" ISOs, which then ? I am curious.
> Have a nice day :)
> Thomas

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