Hi Ervin,

Please keep the mailing list in CC too - other people may help or
benefit from the conversation...

On Tue, Jul 07, 2020 at 09:54:34PM +0200, Ervin Dine wrote:
>I am using the same computer that I have used before with Debian and I have
>installed Debian just fine even in the other previous 10 versions.

OK, and what hardware *is* it please? Does it have AMD graphics, for

>I came across this interesting bug in 10.3, for instance I could install
>gnome or mate without a problem, lxde without a problem but when I installed
>lxqt always the same result, I would end up with a terminal and not with a
>graphic lxqt.
>Now the same after 10.4 started to happen with kde, I tested the network cd
>as well, same thing. strange.
>My wifi is recognized by the free firmware. I never had any problems with it,
>for instance i can connect to it using the Debian installer just fine.


>Note that I am not using any live images, I am using the dvd and today I used
>the network cd, thinking perhaps the dvd was the problem. I had Debian
>Stretch before and even before that Jessie, I used the DVD and did not
>encounter any installation problems.
>Note something, I installed KDE, ended up with a command line instead of the
>graphic KDE. I installed gnome-core then using the command line and I could
>get both gnome and kde working. Something in the DVD messes up the graphics
>when using one of these desktop environments.
>As for the standard iso, you know there is mate iso, kde iso, and a standard

Ummm, no. That sounds like you're talking about the live images. We
*don't* have a "standard" DVD installer image, just a "standard" live
image. We also don't have desktop-specific DVD installer images.

Please try again with the normal installer image from


and see if that works better for you?

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                st...@einval.com
"I can't ever sleep on planes ... call it irrational if you like, but I'm
 afraid I'll miss my stop" -- Vivek Das Mohapatra

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