DVDs are cheap. I'd suggest that it is in no way worth the time you'll
spend hacking things about to achieve this, when you could simply have
separate i386 and amd64 discs instead.

I speak with no authority as to live-build plans, but afaik there are
no plans at all to do anything in this area.

On Wed, 2020-04-15 at 18:56 +0000, dbgr wrote:
> Hello.
> I was not sure if this email should've been sent to both list. So
> sorry 
> if it should've not :-/
> I am using the live-build version 20191221 (the one in testing) on a 
> debian stable/buster system to build an live image with and
> integrated 
> debian installer cdrom (with the '--debian-installer cdrom'
> flag/option) 
> with no problems.
> My original plan with this image is to use it (also) to install
> debian 
> in both i386 and amd64 machines, with or without a connection to the 
> internet.
> So, for me, I believe the best option would be to integrate a multi-
> arch 
> and/or DVD version of the debian installer. (even better would be to 
> integrate a multi-arch DVD installer - since debian dropped this
> version 
> of the installer I've been 'hacking' one together =P)
> Is there any way that you know of to integrate any of this installer 
> options (or even a 'custom' one) in live-build? Is there a plan to do
> so 
> in the future as an option?
> Thank you for your attention.
> --
> dbgr

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