
i have across about Debian Web Pages TODO List [1]
i visited 3 Vendors of Debian installation media [2], only 1 has debian 10.

my course of action:
* i would like to visit all websites at [2].
* if debian 10 is not available, ask them politely by email about availability 
and ask them to update their website [ yes or no ]
* i'f yes, great, task is completed.
* if no, or there is no reply even after 14 working days, what should i do ? 
whom should i contact ?

[1] https://www.debian.org/devel/website/todo
[2] https://www.debian.org/CD/vendors/

my email draft : please feel free to add or remove or suggest. i am not good at 
prose or politeness.

sub : availability of debian 10 CD/DVD/BD/USB

message body :

you are listed as Vendor of Debian installation media on debian website [1]. i 
have noticed that  debian 10 installation media is not available. i request you 
to kindly update website.


[1] https://www.debian.org/CD/vendors/

PS : please cc me.

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