Hi Daniel,

On Tue, Sep 10, 2019 at 10:51:32AM -0500, Daniel Lewart wrote:
>Debian Images Team,
>The Sep 9, 2019 Weekly Builds were not built:
>        https://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/weekly-builds/
>Perhaps the Point Releases interfered?

Exactly, yes. As normal, we disable the normal daily and weekly builds
when we're doing point releases. Normally on a point release weekend
we're done in time for the Monday weekly builds to happen, but this
past weekend things didn't go smoothly and we were still working on
the 9.11 release on Monday.

>Is this process automated?

The normal weekly builds are driven by cron, yes.

>could it be moved to Sunday mornings so that things can be tested on
>the weekend?

For me, Monday fits better.

>And any news about a replacement for vmdebootstrap?

Nothing yet, no. There are a few vague ideas, but nothing firm yet.

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                st...@einval.com
< Aardvark> I dislike C++ to start with. C++11 just seems to be
            handing rope-creating factories for users to hang multiple
            instances of themselves.

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