Processing commands for > clone 857597 -1 Bug #857597 [debian-cd] debian-cd: "isolinux.bin missing or corrupt" when booting USB flash drive in old PC Bug 857597 cloned as bug 879004 > reassign -1 isolinux Bug #879004 [debian-cd] debian-cd: "isolinux.bin missing or corrupt" when booting USB flash drive in old PC Bug reassigned from package 'debian-cd' to 'isolinux'. Ignoring request to alter found versions of bug #879004 to the same values previously set Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #879004 to the same values previously set > retitle -1 isolinux: isohdpfx.bin fails to boot on old BIOS due to wrong > stack order for heads/sectors Bug #879004 [isolinux] debian-cd: "isolinux.bin missing or corrupt" when booting USB flash drive in old PC Changed Bug title to 'isolinux: isohdpfx.bin fails to boot on old BIOS due to wrong stack order for heads/sectors' from 'debian-cd: "isolinux.bin missing or corrupt" when booting USB flash drive in old PC'. > severity -1 important Bug #879004 [isolinux] isolinux: isohdpfx.bin fails to boot on old BIOS due to wrong stack order for heads/sectors Severity set to 'important' from 'normal' > found -1 syslinux/3:6.03+dfsg-14.1 Bug #879004 [isolinux] isolinux: isohdpfx.bin fails to boot on old BIOS due to wrong stack order for heads/sectors Marked as found in versions syslinux/3:6.03+dfsg-14.1. > close -1 syslinux/3:6.03+dfsg1-1 Unknown command or malformed arguments to command. > thanks Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance. -- 857597: 879004: Debian Bug Tracking System Contact with problems