Hi Steve,

On Thu, 31 Aug 2017 at 16:10:47 +0100, Steve McIntyre wrote:
On Thu, Aug 31, 2017 at 04:54:15PM +0300, Алексей Камышов wrote:

>Why not make jigdo files for testing Debian from 01.07.2017 (https://

Thanks for reporting. There was a problem in the config on the build
machine that was breaking things. I've just fixed that and triggered a
manual build now. Expect to see images showing up shortly.

on the beginning of August I thought not building weekly iso-dvds could
be due to 9.1 release. Now 4 weeks later I just wanted to ask you about
this. Thanks Alexey for being sooner than me. Steve, great, that you've
fixed it promptly and there is even no need to wait until Monday for
regular update, thanks!



P.S. Sorry for double, I've put accidentally debian-cd address to BCC instead of CC.

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