To Debian folk,
Dear Folk,
20170821 Problem of English UK Keyboard selection on LIVE LINUX Debian 9
32 bit

I have received from Linux Magazine  (Linux Pro Magazine in USA) in
September 2017 edition 202 a copy of 32 bit Debian 9 Gnome.

It allows English USA as default keyboard , but in localization part
does NOT permit any English variants ( French OK German OK Arabic Ok)

Thus is as we are in UK, stuck with a UK Keyboard, we are unable to
change it at Live run.

I sue live Linux 32 bit editions to allow older seniors to connect to
internet safely when using old Windows Vista computers, they cannot
afford to re-buy as new.

Puppy Linux has a superb start up page allowing language , keyboard and
time set up.  It is a great shame I cannot use Debian Gnome for them.

Can you change keyboard /language set to allow for the dialects of
English and keyboards that are not USA

Thanks in advance.
Eion MacDonald

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