
On Mon, 26 Jun 2017 15:08:21 +0100
Steve McIntyre <st...@einval.com> wrote:
> While the bugs are annoying, what worries me more is that they were
> only spotted in release builds. There had been testing versions of
> live images available for multiple weeks beforehand, presumably with
> the same bugs included. (Almost) none of them reported. This shows
> that we don't have enough people using these live images and/or caring
> about filing bugs.

 It's hard, so hard. Because most of users don't use it until it is
 "Released" - Released, then complain about it (of course, there is
 an exception, but... ;)

 So, we should consider "automated testing", IMO.
 openSUSE people uses "openQA" suite, that seems to be useful.

 If we can put it into Debian, CI for live image would be easy.
 Some of components are already in Debian (that I did), but not all of
 them. Still working on it, I'll try my best.


 Hideki Yamane     henrich @ debian.or.jp/org

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