
when downloading the checksums from


they claim 14 DVDs to be involved. But only 3 iso files are offered.
What's the reason for the discrepancy?

Thanks in advance,

Julius Dittmar

Julius Dittmar, CIO                  - CCD and CMOS devices
EURECA Messtechnik GmbH                for science, space and industry
Eupenerstr. 150                        customized and standard parts
50933 Köln                           - lenses and optical filters
Germany                              - thermoelectric devices
                                     - consulting services
phone: +49 (0)221 / 952629 - 0       
fax:   +49 (0)221 / 952629 - 9 
email: julius.ditt...@eureca.de      

Handelsreg. Eintrag / Register entry : HRB 28609 Amtsgericht Köln
USt.-IdNr.          / VAT number     : DE 186 063 293
Steuernummer        / tax number     : 223 / 5805 / 2511
Geschäftsführung    / Management     : J. Beckers, K. Sengebusch

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