Sorry, it has changed somewhat.

The BroadCom BCM45751 *is* detected.  The install routine is reporting
"enpxSx" or something like that.  When I actually hook the computer to a
router via ethernet, the DHCP process completes noticeably quicker, and on
that interface.

The wifi is a whole different story.  Apparently the new version of the
kernel breaks wifi on the chipset (as a USB wifi device, it uses driver
r8712u, which is the driver for a LOT of RealTek wifi chipsets, found in
nonfree) and doesn't detect it.  Someone needs to monitor or correct this
behavior; I'm runnng Debian 8.7 on the desktop and the wifi is still
working fine.

On Mon, Jul 3, 2017 at 7:46 AM, Steve McIntyre <> wrote:

> Hi Charles,
> Sorry for leaving you hanging - I've been swamped then away for a
> couple of days.
> Hint: please try to also CC <bugnumber> on all bug
> discussion - that way the conversation is logged and others can see
> the mails too.
> On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 05:38:21AM -0700, Charles Chambers wrote:
> >
> >When I get to the part where it *should* ask me to agree to the nonfree
> license
> >agreement and pick an interface, it just doesn't.  It jumps directly to
> trying
> >to find a DHCP lease, fails, and stops.
> :-(
> Does this work on a normal installation, i.e. from a non-live image?
> --
> Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.
> You lock the door
> And throw away the key
> There's someone in my head but it's not me


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