Hey folks,

Stretch is coming! \o/

We're going to be working on the Stretch release images on Saturday,
starting as soon as the ftpmasters and release team have done their
work. Andy and I are going to do as much testing as we can on various
machines we have, but we're limited both in terms of manpower and
available machines. If you have time and can help us with testing,
please join in. Particularly of interest are installations on non-x86

On the day, we'll be doing a full build of installation, live and
cloud images. Help with testing these as they come availables would be
lovely. We'll be co-ordinating in irc (irc.debian.org, #debian-cd) and
we'll have pages set up in the wiki to help track what testing has
been done.

If you can help before the weekend, please don't just wait until
then. Finding bugs earlier is always good! We've got d-i RC5
installation images that were produced last weekend [1], and the most
recent live and OpenStack images from a couple of days ago
[2,3]. These images will be nearly identical to what we're going to
have this coming weekend for the final Stretch release, so test
reports on all of these will be very helpful.

Thanks in advance for your help, and let's make Stretch excellent!

[1] https://get.debian.org/images/stretch_di_rc5/
[2] https://get.debian.org/images/weekly-live-builds/
[3] https://get.debian.org/images/openstack/testing/

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                st...@einval.com
"We're the technical experts.  We were hired so that management could
 ignore our recommendations and tell us how to do our jobs."  -- Mike Andrews

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