>>>>> "Ian" == Ian Campbell <i...@debian.org> writes:

    Ian> On Tue, 2016-08-23 at 18:40 +1000, Adam Bolte wrote:
    >>   I'm not sure if it would be possible to use pygrub if your
    >> assigned volume is partitioned, which may be a problem if you
    >> don't control the Dom0.

    Ian> pygrub has supported devices with partition tables for many
    Ian> years (like at least a decade).

    Ian> EC2 uses pvgrub, not pygrub, although AFAICT pvgrub has also
    Ian> never had a problem with partitions.

True, although I find resizing images much easier without a partition
table in the way.
Yes, you *can* always get along with partition tables.
It's just unnecessary and sometimes a pain.

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