On 11/08/16 at 14:13 -0700, Zach Marano wrote: > We are organizing a Debian cloud sprint to focus on subjects like: > - What does it mean to run Debian in the cloud. > - Define the official Debian cloud image. > - In depth look at how Debian works on current cloud platforms (AWS, Azure, > GCE, etc). > ... etc (complete agenda TBD) > > Ideally, we solve all (or as many as possible) of the open questions which > were discussed at Debconf and on the debian-cloud list and come to > consensus on what an official Debian cloud image is, how it works in the > various cloud offerings, and have a realistic timeline to offer such an > image for the community at large. Bonus points if we actually have > something working. > > I am targeting November 2 - 4, 2016 in Seattle, WA (USA). > https://wiki.debian.org/Sprints/2016/DebianCloudNov2016 > > Please respond if you are interested in attending so we can find a suitable > space (or if you happen to have such a space). Thanks!
Hi, I'm interested in participating. I would come from Nancy, France. I've done some work on AWS using Debian (archive rebuilds), and have looked into the content of the Debian AWS image. I've looked at image creation in another similar context, which could be useful (not really in terms of tools involved, but in terms of image content -- the context was a research testbed where having a clearly defined image content is particularly important, because of scientific experiments reproducibility issues). Lucas