On Sat, May 28, 2016 at 02:45:40PM +0530, viswanath basu wrote:
> Hi
> ​ Team​
> ,
> Kindly, help me in getting the Debian 7.6 amd ISO . I tried to search in
> this link but unable to locate https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/DebianCd.
> If possible if you can put it some ftp site will download the same.
> Thanks,
> Viswanath

The .iso file you need may be found in the archive section of the cd mirror

https://www.debian.org/wheezy/debian-installer/ will point you to an
up to date copy of the .iso which will install 7.10 - so an up to 
date Debian 7.

Be aware that Debian Wheezy is now old and only supported as a long term 
support release on best endeavours.

Also be aware that it is likely that there will be another release of
Debian 7 media next weekend (June 4th / 5th 2016). This will be
the last scheduled release.

Debian 8.4 is the current Debian stable release - this will also be
updated June 4/5 2016.

This sort of question would be better addressed to the debian-user list
in future.

Hope this helps,

All the best,

Andy Cater

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